After playing Left4Dead1+2 so much, it does get quite boring playing the same maps and by the rules. So we decided to start trying some custom maps, most of which are dire! However we found 3 maps which are very playable and with using sv_cheats there is so much more you can do.
Most of the changes we done to the game are quite simple to setup, however some took time to understand and to get working. So to help ourselves in the future and for anyone else, here are the maps, scripts and settings we use currently.
Check out some of the screenshots me and chris have taken.
Custom Maps:
@echo off goto BEGIN :BEGIN cls echo (U)pdate or (S)tart? echo. set /P C="> " if "%C%"=="U" goto UPDATE if "%C%"=="u" goto UPDATE if "%C%"=="S" goto START if "%C%"=="s" goto START goto EXIT :UPDATE D: cd D:\Valve\Server_New\ cls steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ../L4D2 +app_update 222860 validate +quit goto START :START cls echo. echo (1)Let’s Build 2 Core, (2)Let’s Build a Rocket, (3)-Helms Deep- Reborn ? echo. set /P C="> " if "%C%"=="1" goto LBAR2 if "%C%"=="2" goto LBAR if "%C%"=="3" goto HELMS goto EXIT :LBAR D: cd D:\Valve\L4D2\ cls start srcds.exe -console -game left4dead2 -maxplayers 8 +sv_lan 0 +map rocketbuild1 +exec autoexec goto EXIT :HELMS D: cd D:\Valve\L4D2\ cls start srcds.exe -console -game left4dead2 -maxplayers 8 +sv_lan 0 +map l4d2_helms_deep_serious_v16 survival +exec autoexec_helms goto EXIT :LBAR2 D: cd D:\Valve\L4D2\ cls start srcds.exe -console -game left4dead2 -maxplayers 8 +sv_lan 0 +map lbar2_examplemap +exec autoexec goto EXIT :EXIT exit
sv_cheats 1 sm_cvar sb_all_bot_game 1 sm_cvar director_afk_timeout 999999999999 sm_cvar mp_allowspectators 1.0 sv_spectatoridletime 9999999999
//Server info hostname SquareDisc rcon_password "" sv_search_key "squaredisc" sv_steamgroup "3758" //Internet, region, lobby setup sv_lan 0 sv_region 255 sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0 sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 //Communication sv_voiceenable 1 sv_alltalk 1 //Logging log on sv_logecho 0 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 sv_logbans 1 sv_logflush 0 sv_logsdir logs //Bans exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg writeip writeid //Sourcemods sm_cvar sb_all_bot_game 1 sm_cvar director_afk_timeout 999999999999 sm_cvar mp_allowspectators 1.0 //Misc. mounted_gun_overheat_time 9999999999 //Cheats sv_spectatoridletime 9999999999 sv_infinite_ammo 1 sv_infinite_primary_ammo 1 god 1
l4d_machine_adminonly "0" l4d_machine_allow_carry "1" l4d_machine_ammo_count "999999" l4d_machine_ammo_refill "1" l4d_machine_ammo_type "1" l4d_machine_betray_chance "10.0" l4d_machine_damage_to_infected "25.0" l4d_machine_damage_to_survivor "2.0" l4d_machine_enable "2" l4d_machine_fire_rate "20" l4d_machine_health "999999.0" l4d_machine_limit "999999" l4d_machine_maxuser "999999" l4d_machine_msg "1" l4d_machine_overheat "10.0" l4d_machine_range "999999.0" l4d_machine_sleep_time "999999.0"
finally we get more than 1 machine gun! 😀
that sure is some crazy aass shizznit dude but fun lol in a bit
was pretty mental having like 30 machine guns all going mental 😀